The Threesome

Here's an assortment of photos from over the past couple of weeks. For reference, AJ is 4 years old, Lia is now 20 months and Anna is 4 months old.

This is Alyssa, Andrew's cousin's daughter, who is 6 months old - older than Anna, but Anna is bigger.

Lia loves to "hold" her baby sister Anna. She always looks so proud when she gets to hold her.

Morning couch time - everyone still in pajammas.

Halloween preview with some friends. AJ is in the Batman costume.

We were going to dress Lia in really cute hand-me-down bumblebee costume for Halloween but we may have to change those plans. She cries when we put her in the outfit.


South Mountain Creamery

This is a dairy farm about 45 minutes from our house. You can watch the cows being milked and at 4pm every day they let kids feed the baby calves bottles of milk. We also ate really good fresh ice cream at the farm store.

Butlers Orchard Pumpkinfest

Carmen went with some neighborhood mommies and kids to the pumpkin festival at a nearby farm. (The kids get to pick pumpkins, feed small animals, go on a hayride, play in a haystack playground, etc.)

Here we are on the hayride to the pumpkin patch

Lia prefers selecting a pumpkins from the large bins instead of picking one from the fields

AJ jumping off a haystack in the haystack playground inside the barn

Photo of AJ in mid-air!

Feeding the goats from afar (sending animal feed via a small cup on a pulley)

AJ feeding the goats up close and personal - At first, Lia seems willing to participate

Maybe not - AJ tries to help her out

Sorry goats - Lia decided to hang onto her one piece of animal food

Duck races

FCC Autumn Moon Festival
