Caterpillars Update

One week later...

Three of the five have formed a chrysalis, and after we took these photos we moved them to the netted "cage". Now we wait for the butterflies to come out...

AJ Loses Second Tooth


Anna received a butterfly garden from Uncle Jas & family for her birthday with a certificate to send in to receive caterpillars in the mail. They arrived today. We have 5 caterpillars that should turn into butterflies.

Kids' Gymnastics Classes

Vacation Bible School

AJ & Lia are at a vacation bible school camp this week (photos below are of their classes), a program run at the preschool all the kids have attended. And even though Anna is too young for it, she still gets to have a fun week too. She gets to do crafts and play with other infants and toddlers in the nursery while Carmen volunteers teaching (assigned to AJ's class).

New Star Wars Tent From Grandparents

A Few Kids Over

They rehearsed and sang a song together for the adults.

Kids and Friends Enjoying Dinner Outside

AJ's Summer Camp Swim Lessons

Wong's Annual Fireworks Display

AJ Loses First Tooth

It didn't fall out. The dentist had to pull it out because it had stalled in loosening and the permanent tooth was already growing in behind the baby tooth. Let's hope the permanent tooth scoots forward now.

Sunroom in progress

Father Son Fishing

AJ Gets Skateboard