Lia's 6th Birthday

We sang Happy Birthday at her school. AJ joined her class for the celebration. For a family outing for her birthday, she chose going to an ice skating rink.


Lansdowne Resort

Carmen had a free voucher to stay at this hotel in Northern Virginia (via her work) so we stayed there over the weekend and visited a Smithsonian Air and Space Museum near Dulles Airport.

We took the scenic route to drive out there on country roads - and had a short ferry ride.

Biggest hotel room we have ever been in (they gave us a two-room suite)

View out the back of the hotel

Air and Space Museum

THE Discovery Space Shuttle resides here (arrived here two years ago)!

1st Presidential Helicopter


Anna's Dance Moves

Anna is showing us some moves from her ballet class. She has many more, but was shy about doing them for the camera.

AJ's Percussion Lessons

AJ has started percussion lessons with a nearby youth band and orchestra program. These are highlights from his very first class. They have 8 weeks of group sectional lessons (for beginners they offer percussion, trumpet, flute and clarinet), then 4 weeks of full band rehearsals, and then have a concert in early May.

Anna and Noah's Ark

Chinese New Year Show at Lakeforest Mall