
Anna's Dance/Movement Class

Tree Climbing in the Front Yard

Babysit Chicks from Anna's School

Anna's preschool has two baby chicks and several incubating eggs in the classroom during the month of March. Instead of making the chicks stay at school overnight and on weekends, they asked for families to sign up to take them home. It was our turn to babysit the baby chicks this weekend. It was so fun!


Austin Jr.'s Birthday Party

The party of our friend's kid (who is also called AJ for short) was at the Playseum in Bethesda. It basically has about 10-15 rooms that each have a theme. Kids are free to roam to any room and play with everything. The upper floor was reserved for kids 8 yrs and older.

AJ's Shoulder Injury

No broken bones or torn ligaments, but apparently he had a slight shoulder separation (happened while running in the basement on a snow day home from school). We took him to urgent care where they did the x-ray and sent him home in a sling. We saw the orthopedic the next day, who confirmed it was very minor - not even required to restrict activity or wear a sling. AJ is just supposed to "be careful" and it will heal fine.


More Snow Pics

Upper 50's and still snow outside. AJ in shorts.

AJ's Drum Lesson

Here is a video from AJ's weekly group percussion lesson with the youth band and orchestra. The beginner percussionists are all boys, ages 8-10. This particular exercise involved all three 3 drummers playing different parts.