Christmas Card



Utz Tour

We drove up to Hanover, PA for a short day trip during the holiday break to go to factory tours at both the Snyders pretzel factory (which didn't allow photo taking) and the Utz chip factory (below).



AJ Gets Another Cast

We are 6 weeks post-injury at this point. The break is healing nicely but they wanted to keep it protected a little while longer while also letting him regain movement of his knee. So, he was transitioned into a shorter cast. 2-3 more weeks to go until he can be castless and start to put weight on his leg.


Anna's Violin Recital

AJ Gets New Cast

After spending 3 weeks in a very heavy plaster cast that was vented to allow for swelling, AJ got transitioned to a lighter cast (still a full leg cast though).

Thanksgiving at O'Connors

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AJ Breaks His Leg

AJ sustained fractures below his left knee to both his tibia and fibula while playing soccer. He had surgery to set the breaks, is in a full leg cast, and on his way to recovery.



The kids went with simple costumes this year of items we already had a home: Wonder Woman, a Marathon Runner, and Bat Girl


Marine Corp Marathon


Olate Dogs

This act, which won America's Got Talent in 2012, was performing at the opening of a new outlet mall near where we live.

Renaissance Chesapeake Trip

This was a weekend excursion - we visited the Renaissance Festival and hiked and kayaked at nature preserve grounds in Eastern Shore MD.


School Pictures


AJ Playing Soccer


First Day of School


Military Gear

AJ trying on our friends' gear.

AJ's 11th Birthday - Six Flags

Celebrating AJs birthday with one of his friends at Six Flags
