Christmas Card



Mini DC Vacation

Dropping Halo for Boarding

We stayed at a hotel in Chinatown

Irish Food

The Nutcracker at the Warner Theater

At Bible Museum

National Christmas Tree

Picking up Halo from boarding


Christmas Present for Halo


Swim Relay Extravaganza

The team had a practice over the holiday break that was full of unusual relay races. This "event" was tandem breaststroke - the person in front does the arms part of the stroke and the person in pack does the legs part. AJ is the one in the white USA swim cap.

Holiday Swim Meet

100 Breast

200 Breast


Air Force Concert in DC

They invited children to come up onto the stage and Anna went. She is wearing a purple jacket with a pink zipper and is just behind the podium on the right side.


Colleen and Doc's Horses


Thanksgiving at O'Connors

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Theater Class

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Anna's Cast

It was only hairline fracture at the end of her forearm very close to her wrist, but she's in a cast for 3-4 weeks.


Marlins Swim Meet

With this 100 Breaststroke swim, AJ got his first Junior Olympic (spring championship meet) qualifying time in the 13-14 year-old bracket (at age 13). Kids were grouped at this meet as ages 13 and up, so he was swimming against all older kids. He clocked the fastest time out of all 13 year olds at this meet in this event.


School Pictures



This was a team night special event for the older swimmers. The swimmers were videotaped in endless pools from multiple underwater angles, and were able to watch and have their underwater footage critiqued by coaches.


Virginia Beach
