The Girls

Anna 1 Month Old

Anna 3 Weeks Old

At the Pool

AJ and Cousin Elias

Video of Lia walking in pool

Welcome Anna Martine Wong!

Anna Martine Wong
Born on June 23, 2009 at 12:57 a.m.
7 lbs 15 oz.
20 inches long

The family came for a hospital visit the morning of her arrival.

Around lunchtime the day of delivery, the doctors informed us Anna would need to spend some time in the NICU to receive IV antibiotics and be monitored for signs of infection. Her labwork showed high levels of bacteria in her bloodstream, even though she otherwise appeared completely healthy. (The splint on her arm is where they secured the IV.)

Big brother visits Anna in the NICU, as does Mommy and Daddy, and Grandma and Grandpa who flew in from Texas.

Anna was discharged from the NICU on June 30 and is doing well at home. This is her first time in the carseat...and her welcome home from big brother AJ and big sister Lia.
