Welcome Lia and Anna Party

AJ and cousin Sasha

Lia showing her cousin Sarah how to use the microwave (or preventing her from using it : )

Next day, my cousin had a party with same crowd (for Mia'a one year birthday).

Anna is in the middle

Cousin Emae with her daughter Alyssa (about 6 weeks older than Anna)

Andrew's mom with Anna

Houdini Trick

Do you think Lia can fit into the lower left section of kitchen? What about AJ?


Broken Toilet

This week our toilet had a really slow flush. So we tried everything from draino, snake, etc to remove the problem but no luck. So we took the entire toilet up from the floor and took it outside to inspect. Below is what we found. Wonder who stuck these in there...

How full-sized long unbendable chopsticks could actually get flushed down out of sight is somewhat perplexing.

AJ blamed Lia...we may never know what really happened...

Isis Bounce U Birthday Party

Anna Smiling

Splash Playground

Baltimore Aquarium

Videos of Jellyfish

Baltimore Zoo

