Ananya's Birthday Party

Lia & Anna's friend Ananya had a girl spa nail party for her birthday.

AJ's 7th Birthday - Sleepover Party

Went to sleep around 11:30 pm.

Woke up at 5am.


Cousin Mia's 4th B-Day

Lia was sad because she didn't meet the height requirement for the biggest obstacle course and slide.

But the sign indicated she could still go in as long as she was accompanied by an adult, so Andrew braved the course with the girls.

AJ's First Day of School

AJ is in 1st grade this year.


Dutch Wonderland - Park 2 of 2

House that spins while sitting inside.


Dutch Wonderland - Park 1 of 2

Anna and Lia rode on their first roller coaster (a mini one) and didn't want to ride it a second time.

AJ rode on the regular one many times and love it.
