Swim Banquet


Swim Invitationals

Swim Invitationals is the regional swim meet with all 8 teams in the league competing. Each team gets to enter their fastest 4 swimmers for each age group for freestyle and their fastest 2 swimmers for each age group for each of the other strokes.

Due to a computer error, all of the Sharks team swimmers ended up without recorded times for seeding into heat. Therefore all the Sharks were defaulted to swimming in the second heats. That means there was always an additional heat after the one they swam in, that typically had faster swimmers in it. And that is why it will look like AJ takes several first places, but doesn't end up placing first when his times were matched up wtih times of all the swimmers in all heats.

Lia freestyle - first lane on the left (finishes 12th overall)

AJ freestyle - first lane on the left (finishes 4th overall)

Lia backstroke - first lane on the left (finishes 12th overall)

AJ backstroke - first lane on the left (finishes 5th overall, even with the hiccup of hitting the rope)

Anna freestyle - farthest lane on the right (finishes 22nd overall)

AJ breaststroke - closest lane (finishes 5th overall)

Anna butterfly - closest lane (finishes 10th overall)

AJ butterfly - closest lane (finishes 4th overall)

Lia holds her own in the first leg of a graduated freestyle relay

Until next summer...Go Sharks!


Last Pre-Invitationals Swim Meet

Lia and Anna swimming freestyle - Lia in far right lane, Anna in left closest

AJ wins breaststroke

Anna swimming butterfly - in far left lane

AJ wins freestyle

Anna in farthest lane

AJ wins backstroke


Swim Meet

Freestyle - Lia in closest lane, Anna in farthest

AJ backstroke

AJ breaststroke


Swim Mini-Meet

This is the mini-meet for ages 10 and under where the older kids run the meet. This is AJ's last year competing in this meet (next year he will have to be a coach or timer for the meet).

The famous t-shirt relay

Like Phelps and Lochte! AJ's friend out touches him this time.


Catoctin Safari and Camel Rides


Longwood Gardens


Can you spot the flag?

This was an unusual find. This hallway had over 10 individual bathrooms.

Here's what it looks like inside


Lancaster, PA - Sight & Sounds - Samson Play

iphone selfie (not clear)


Tae Kwon Do Summer Camp