First Summer League Swim Meet of Year - Sharks vs MPEV

A great start to the summer season - the Stratford Knolls Sharks won their first meet since 2013. And AJ broke two league records!

AJ is wearing his white cap with the blue shark and the name Wong. Lia and Anna wear identical suits and green Sharks caps. Lia wears turquoise goggles. Anna wears pink goggles.

AJ 25 Fly (breaks league record)

AJ 50 Back

AJ 50 Breast (breaks league record)

AJ 50 Free

AJ 100 IM

Anna 25 Back

Anna 25 Breast

Anna 25 Fly

Anna 25 Free

Anna 100 IM - yes, Anna swam the 100IM which is a 12 and under event, and she swam it on her 9th birthday.

Lia 25 Breast

Lia 25 Fly

Lia 25 Free

This was their open age boys relay team for the 200M Medley. AJ swims the breaststroke leg. His teammates give him a height boost for photos.

AJ received a celebratory push into the pool fully clothed at the end of the meet.
