Adoption - We Get Lia

We arrive in Nanchang, Jianxi

Our Guide Lisa

Our first moments with her (after she calmed down)

Doing some paperwork for tomorrow. Once we finalize paperwork tomorrow, she will officially be ours. This is her footprint.

We finally got her to sleep after 2 hours. She was so tired and fighting to stay awake. Her profile said she normally sleeps through the night from 8 - 6. She also takes a nap during the day. She is a great sleeper!!!

The experience:
It was on the schedule to receive Lia at 4. Andrew for very anxious for that moment to arrive. At 4 no one shows up and we get a call from Lisa that there was an accident on the highway and the entire road is blocked. They said she maybe more cranky now because it was a 2 hour ride from the orphanage and add another hour because of accident.

The doorbell finally rings at 5. We open the door and director of orphanage, his driver, Lisa our guide and of course Lia are there. They handoff the baby immediately to Carmen. She cried for first 10 minutes but then calmed down after giving her a teething biscuit. For some reason, it helped calm her down. She wouldn't let go of it.

She would intermittenly cry but overall she did much better than we expected. I thought she would cry for hours. But she is a very calm baby. And her cry is not loud at all. And she loves to be held. She would cry anytime we exchanged her between Carmen and I. But then she would calm down after a few seconds. She is doing really well.
