Adoption - People Park

Well, Carmen left today to head back to Texas. I will be here another week and meet up with Carmen later in Texas. So it means I'm on my own with Lia. So far things are good. She is more comfortable with me now. I'm so glad she is a great sleeper. Today she was very mobile and getting into everything. I had to start putting stuff higher up.

We visited a park today. It was really cool in that there were people throughout the park doing Tai Chi. It looks like a great hang out for older people.

Picture of people doing Tai Chi


I've noticed everywhere I've been, someone is playing cards or board game

This was neat. This guy was doing caligraphy on the ground with big brush with water.

I've noticed rock type is used in several different places. It's a rock gathered from a lake and used in gardens for display. This was also at Forbidden City.

Playing Badmitton in park

To promote health, the govt put exercise equipment in the park. It was cool seeing older people exercise on it.

People practing Chinese Yo Yo

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